Time for all Australian governments to shut down our legal ivory trade

This World Day (12 August 2024), Humane Society International (HSI) Australia, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and the Born Free Foundation are calling on federal, state and territory governments to shut down Australia’s domestic trade in ivory and rhino horn to protect wild populations of elephants and rhinos. 

While trade in ivory across international borders has been banned, Australia still permits domestic trade in elephant ivory and rhino horn. That existing market creates a loophole for any poached ivory and rhino horn that enters Australia to be traded legally within our borders. 

African elephants lost 96 per cent of their populations in the last century. Rhinos have crashed from 500,000 at the beginning of the 20th century to 27,000 today; and the western black rhino and northern white rhino are now extinct in the wild.  

read more https://hsi.org.au/blog/time-for-all-australian-governments-to-shut-down-our-legal-ivory-trade/