Leading Environmental Groups Respond to Attacks Against Clean Air Act Heard Before Supreme Court

Sierra Club, Environmental Defense Fund, and Natural Resources Defense Council release statements following oral argument in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency

Washington, D.C. (February 28, 2022) – Following oral argument before the Supreme Court in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency, the environmental respondents in the case today released the following statements:

“Coal companies and their allies asked the Supreme Court today to prevent the EPA from limiting the huge amount of climate pollution emitted by power plants. That would be incredibly dangerous. The climate crisis is a serious and growing risk to the health and safety of all Americans, and we have limited time to address it. This would be the worst possible time to tie EPA’s hands behind its back,” said Fred Krupp, president of Environmental Defense Fund. “We need the EPA to continue enforcing our nation’s proven, time-tested clean laws and protecting people everywhere from climate pollution. The Court should let the EPA do its job.”

read more www.edf.org/media/leading-environmental-groups-respond-attacks-against-clean-air-act-heard-supreme-court